+4 personality
-1 toughness
-2 utility
Stat Changes

+8 charm
+5 persuade
+5 sense intent
+5 willpower
+5 bravery
-8 bluff
-5 sneak
Beautiful and pure. Their hair can be any natural color and also white and silver, only the colors are more exaggerated and lustrous. Skin is shades of light tan. Their height is 5’10 on average. Weight is 155 lbs on average. look human. They have bird-like wings on their shoulders. Their wings are white.

Angelic Flight: can fly full movement, but take double shadow damage. (M, M)
White Tower Focus: White tower spells cost 2mp less to cast. (Mpcr)
Friendly Fire: damage you deal doesn’t affect allies unless you want it to. (Prot)
Incorruptible: immune to necrotic damage. (imu)
Quick Attack: gain an attack action even if it’s not your turn. With an 8 round cool down. (A, CD)