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Experience and leveling up

Your character's level signifies their progression in knowledge and power throughout the unfolding story. Increasing in level is a matter of gaining Exp also known as experience. You can gain Exp in a lot of different ways, for example: Battling monsters, picking locks, Haggling with merchants, outsmarting villains, etc. Each one of these achievements has a number attached to it called a difficulty level, this number turns into Exp and is divided equally with all the characters playing in the session and any NPCs that participate regularly in your team. Normally if your character is not a child you start at level 2. To level up you need Exp equal to the next level times itself. When you pay the Exp it leaves your Exp pool but you advance in level. The benefits gained by the new level can be found under the levels section of your character's class.


Skills contribute to gaining experience only when there is substantial risk involved. For instance, casually ascending a tree with an Acrobatics and Agility check of 12 would not yield experience. However, if the tree climb is necessitated by a perilous situation—such as evading a horde of goblins on the ground where failure could result in imminent demise—then successfully navigating the climb would merit experience points.

Skill checks difficulty level and exp given:

Very easy: 7 or less to clear. gives 0 exp.

Easy: 12 gives 1 exp.

Normal: 17 gives 2 exp.

Hard: 22 gives 3 exp.

Very hard: 27 gives 6 exp.

Legendary: 32+ gives 8 exp.


A foe when subdued or defeated gives exp based on their difficulty level. 

Level 1 gives 1 exp.

Level 2 gives 2 exp.

Level 3 gives 3 exp.

Level 4 gives 8 exp.

Level 5 gives 10 exp.

Level 6 gives 12 exp.

Level 7 gives 21 exp.

Level 8 gives 24 exp.

Level 9 gives 27 exp.

Level 10 gives 30 exp.

Level 11 gives 33 exp.

Level 12 gives 36 exp.



The amount of exp accumulated is split up equally amongst the party regardless of effort. For example if a bard, a barbarian and an assassin go into a castle and the assassin sneaks ahead and kills a level 9 paladin with a sneak attack. Instead of the assassin getting 27 exp, the party would receive 9 exp each. At the end of each session, players and the Storyteller have the opportunity to vote for the Most Valuable Player (MVP). The chosen MVP receives a 30% bonus to the experience points (Exp) earned during the session. Each participant is granted two votes. In case of a tie, all tied individuals are considered MVPs and receive the 30% Exp bonus. Make sure to consider all the variables when voting for MVP. a bard that haggles prices down for the whole team might not seem as flashy as a samurai who beheaded the big bad, but 


Leveling up only occurs at the end or beginning of a session. To level up a character must gain the Exp required for the next level. The exp required is then removed from the character’s current Exp pool and the character levels up.


Level 2 requires 4 exp.

Level 3 requires 9 exp.

Level 4 requires 16 exp.

Level 5 requires 25 exp.

Level 6 requires 36 exp.

Level 7 requires 49 exp.

Level 8 requires 64 exp.

Level 9 requires 81 exp.


A character cannot level up beyond level 9; level 9 is the maximum level for players. Upon reaching level 9, a character gains two master feats. Master feats are special in that they can bypass the usual tag rules. This means you can select a master feat even if you already have three feats with the same tag, and you don’t need to maintain the usual gap between feats with the same tags.

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